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Showing posts from June, 2022

Emotions and Feelings and the Difference Between them

  Emotion is more similar to conscious thought than feelings are to conscious thought. Although emotion and feeling can be described as unconscious thought, one of them is going to be more similar to conscious thought. Feelings are more like sensations, when you touch something you get a feeling. Therefore feelings are faster than emotions and thought, because when you touch something there is a slight delay before you can think of something about it (thought), or feel something deeply about it (emotion). Emotion is therefore just unconscious thought. Actually it would better be described as unconscious feeling (so a feeling is like a conscious emotion because you can "feel" it better and easier but emotion is a deeper, more unconscious experience similar to unconscious thought, but emotions are also more similar to conscious thought because thought is a deep experience while feelings are intense or shallow, but not deep). [So you feel emotions, but you also feel feelings, on

A Theory of Emotion

People respond negatively to pain or any negative emotion. Pain might also hinder development of emotions because it isn’t encouraging. The right factors need to be applied to someone in order to get them to experience the fullest potential of their emotions. This could simply mean having the right people around you who are supportive of you and your emotions. In fact, the words “thrive” and “support” are really key for emotion generation. That being said, it cannot be ignored that emotional events which feel painful in the short term may be beneficial in the long term, and even cause a person to thrive and experience good emotions. It needs to be clarified what is significant about emotions, or how are they meaningful. There can be an individual emotional event, but this event might impact everything else that occurs in someone’s life. In that way everything is tied in. Even words, or therapy, might change how someone views the world and greatly influence how they experience emotion.

Business Ethics | Syllabus | Lincoln University (Pheonix College)

Business Ethics   Course Code: MGT 503 Level: MBA Semester: Semester IV Credit Hours: 4   Course Objective:   To provide students with an understanding of the moral, social, and economic environments  within which those problems occur; to introduce students to the ethical concepts that are  relevant for resolving those problems; and to assist students in developing the necessary reasoning and analytical skills for doing so.  No  Information on Course 1  Name of the Course: Business Ethics  2  Course Code: MGT 503 3  Name(s) of Academic Staff:  4  Rationale for the inclusion of the course/module in the programme:   The course aims to introduce students to familiarize students with the important ethical  issues that arise in business context. 5  Semester/Year : 2 nd Year 4 th Semester  6  Student Learning  Time (SLT)  Face to Face  Independent   Learning Time  Total Guided and  Independent   Learning Time  L=Lecture   T=Tutorial   P=Practical   O=Others   ILT= Individual   Student Learni