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Business Ethics | Syllabus | Lincoln University (Pheonix College)

Business Ethics  

Course Code: MGT 503 Level: MBA Semester: Semester IV Credit Hours: 4  

Course Objective:  

To provide students with an understanding of the moral, social, and economic environments 

within which those problems occur; to introduce students to the ethical concepts that are  relevant

for resolving those problems; and to assist students in developing the necessaryreasoning and analytical skills for doing so. 


Information on Course

Name of the Course: Business Ethics 

Course Code: MGT 503

Name(s) of Academic Staff: 

Rationale for the inclusion of the course/module in the programme:  

The course aims to introduce students to familiarize students with the important ethical  issues that arise in business context.

Semester/Year : 2nd Year 4th Semester 

Student Learning  Time (SLT) 

Face to Face 


Learning Time 

Total Guided and  Independent  

Learning Time 





ILT= Individual  

Student Learning  Time 





Credit Value: 4 

Prerequisite: None 

Course Learning Outcomes:  

At the end of this course, student will be able to:  

Introduce students to moral philosophy and business by discussing the nature of  morality and present them the main theories of normative ethics.  

Develop a better understanding of the Organization and people.  

Equip students with clear knowledge of moral choices& job discrimination the  employees are facing.  

Identify, analyze, and understand value trends and shifts in bus and society that  affect the consumers and the environment.


Transferable Skills:  

Communication skills  

Problem solving  

Social responsibility 


Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy:  


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Interactive group work Lectures with many Examples  

Conferences given by Professors  

Syndicate working on Case studies  

Individual Assignments 



Nature of morality  

Normative theories of ethics  


Challenges in the work places today  

Moral choices  

Job discrimination  


The Environment 


Mode of Delivery:  

Lecture, tutorial 


Assessment method and type:  

Assessment method Percentage  Assignment 1 10%  

Assignment 2 10%  

Quiz 10%  

Mid Examination 20%  

Final Examination 50% 


Content outline of the course/module and the SLT per topic : Refer to Lecture Plan 


Main references supporting the course :  

Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, ―Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases‖,  Biztantra, SixthEdition.  

Hartman, DesJardins, MacDonald, ―Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal  Integrity & Social Responsibility‖, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 3rdEdition. 


Other additional information: Nil

18. Course outline:



Lectur e 

Tutori al 

ILT Total 


Nature of morality:  

Business organization and ethics, Morality and etiquette  

Morality and law, Conscience, Moral principles and self interest 



Normative theories of ethics:  

Egoism, Misconception about Egoism,  

Psychological Egoism  

Utilitarianism, Six points about Utilitarianism  Utilitarianism in organizational context  

Moral decision making 



Case base presentation & Assignment Activities 



Civil liberties in the workplace  

Personnel policies and procedure  

Hiring, Promotions, Discipline and discharge  Wages &Unions 



Challenges in the work places today:  

Organizational influence in private lives  

Legitimate& illegitimate influence  

Obtaining information-polygraph test, personality  test  

Monitoring employees on the job  

Working conditions- health and safety, management  styles, daycare maternity leave 




Case base presentation & Assignment Activities 


Moral choices:  

Obligations to the firms-Loyalty to the company,  Conflicts and the interest  

Abuse of official position- Inside trading,  

proprietary data, Bribes and kickbacks  

Gifts and entertainments  

Obligations to third party 



Job discrimination:  

Meaning of Job discrimination  

Affirmative action  

Sexual harassment 



Case base presentation & Assignment Activities 

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Product safety  

Protecting the public  

The responsibilities of business  

Other areas of business responsibilities-  

product quality, prices, labeling and packing  Deception and unfairness in advertising-  

Deceptive techniques 




The Environment:  

Business and Ecology  

The ethics of environmental protection  

Obligations to future generations  

Treatments to animals. 



Final Presentation & Assignment Activities with report submission 






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