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Dr Kishor | PDL Office

Dr Kishor has a doctoral level training in behavioral science with significant academic and professional experience in counseling, coaching, and mentoring training, and education. His expertise is built overs years of experience both in industry and academia in Silicon Valley, California, Bengaluru, Indian, and in Nepal. He also has professional level expertise in employee assistant program (EAP). He is interested in developing competent HR manager and entrepreneurship by combing behavioral science and technology. He has received Nepal Bidya Bhusan Padak Class A & B for his academic achievements from Government of Nepal in 2018. He has also received Information Communication Technology Award 2018 for the technological innovation in psychometric assessment in Nepal. He is also a founder of People Development Lab Pvt. Ltd., and acting principal and a member of board of directors of Institute of Crisis management and Studies (ICMS). He teaches career development and International HRM, and HRD Strategies to MBA students as an adjunct faculty in multiple colleges. Furthermore, Dr Adhikari is deeply involved in entrepreneurial development of youths.

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