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Employee Career Development Strategies | PU | MBA | IV Trimester


Course Code

Course Title

Trimester Credit Value

Total Contact Hours

Total Marks

MGT 673

Career Development in HRM




Course Instructor: Dr Kishor Adhikari

Course Description

This course is designed to provide students with skills to successfully manage career development. The employment landscape is undergoing a major shift in how career development is viewed throughout organizations. Domestic and international competition as well as the public and private sector, now require employers and employees to rethink their short-term and long term career goals. Balancing these with strategies that will ensure corporate success involves a collaborative process of talent management and deployment. The course thus addresses the major strategic issue that managers face as they attempt to manage human resources across international boundaries.

Course Objectives and learning outcomes

After the completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  1. Describe and apply leading  theories of career development  

  2. Sppreciate the dynamics of employee career growth and apply to improve organization's performance 

  3. apply career development skills to recruit and retain talents 

  4. mapping employees values, interest and, motivations  and their career prospect

  5. apply coaching and mentoring approach  support employees' career growth 

Module I: Introduction and theories of career development (12 Hrs)         

Defining Employee Career Development (CD) Process; Link between HRD and Employee Career Development; Need of CD in an organization; Traditional vs. CD approch in HR; Theories of career development: Holland's theory, Social cognitive theory of Bandura, Super's career stages, MBTI;

Module II: Career Conversation (8 Hrs)

Concept of Career Conversation; Challange faced by today's Management and overcoming through CD approch; Myths about Employee Career Development & overcoming myths; Importnace of career conversation; Conduction of career conversation; Startegies of career conversation

Unit III: Talent management
(6 Hrs)


Building talent pipeline; Career path plan and employee retention; Career development and employee engagement; Talent management as a drive for culture of excellence; talent management in Nepal; Competency based talent management; Evaluations: Performance and potential;  



Unit IV Application and process of career development (10 Hrs) 

Career conversations (Hindsight; foresight, and insight); Grow with the flow; Same seat new view; Cultural shift; Advancing Action; Beyond climbing the ladder; Practice of coaching and mentoring; Employee counselling and assistance program; Appreciative inquiry; Competency mapping; People Capability maturity Model (PCMM) 









% of Marks  

Attendance and Class participation 






Article review/seminar 



Home assignment  



Case study presentation or Competency mapping project (you can choose any one)  



Mid term 



End term 







Teaching methodology  


This course is taught with Socratic active learning approach by exploiting multiple resources such as lecture, group discussion, case studies and personal awareness groups.  



     Recommended Reading

Curtis, B., Hefley, W. E., & Miller, S. A. (2001). The People Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Workforce. Boston: Addison Wesley.

Haldar, U. K. (2009). Human Resource Development. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Mankin. (2009). Human Resource Development. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Rao, T. V. (2003). Future of HRD (First edition). Delhi: Laxmi Publications.

Werner, J. M., & DeSimone, R. L. (2016). Human Resource Development (Sixth edition). Cengage Learning India Private Limited. 



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