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Emotional Intelligenec in Business (MBA Corporate Leadership) Syllabus

 Emotional Intelligence in Business

Semester: II Lecture Hours: 32

Credits: 2

Course Description

Emotional Intelligence has been recognized as an important predictor of success in general. Emotional Intelligence at Business is a much sought after entity to have for a leader of today’s business which is ever changing. Workplace diversity, workplace stress and conflicts are inevitable and mangers with higher emotional intelligence are better at handling such situations relative to mangers with low EQ. Understanding  the nuances of people’s emotion at workplace can be very beneficial. Among many things, emotional intelligence can have direct impact in collaboration and team work  among employees and in overall wellness at workplace. Afterall, employees are humans every day, not just when they leave their work stations. 

Course Objectives

Overall, this course aims at developing the theoretical and practical knowhow of emotional intelligence. Students learn different elements of emotional intelligences and develop skills to apply emotional intelligence at workplace as well as in their personal life. 

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able to: 

  1. Describe theoretical aspects of emotional intelligence

  2. Identify elements of emotional intelligence

  3. Identify their own emotional patterns and manage their own emotion

  4. Apply emotional intelligence in managing others emotional 

  5. Apply emotional intelligence to create happy workplace and conducive work environment for employees. 

Course Details 


Foundations of Empathy and Emotional Intelligence; History of EI; Models and Measures of EI; Basis of Emotions; Types of Emotions;  Emotional intelligence at work; Power of self-discovery; Link between cognitions, Emotions, and Behavior; Emotional defenses; Self-inquiry to explore your emotional pattern


Knowing our own Emotions; Managing emotions at work; How Emotions are Signaled (includes Body language and facial expressions; micro-expressions); Empathizing with Others at Work; Empathetic communication skills (Micro skills on communication in one-on-one communications) ; Confrontation skills


Overcoming Barriers and Handling Difficult Moments with EQ at Work; Connecting with Emotional Intelligence at Work; Bringing Out the Best in Others at Work; Power of Gratitude; Motivating  and Inspiring others; Influencing Skills; 


Understanding the concept of Mindfulness; Historical development of Mindfulness; Application of Mindfulness at work; Mindfulness in leadership; Calm leadership using Mindfulness; Developing awareness of your natural leadership styles; Happiness and Resilience;


Differentiating  problem orientation versus solution orientation; Techniques of generating solutions (Miracle questioning, Scaling questions etc.); Using solution orientation in communications ); Power of Positivity; Know your character strength 


  • Case Studies: Students will be presented minimum 5 cases and scenarios for discussion and presentations. 

  • Experiential learning: Students will have to complete “learning by doing” activities (at least 2 activities for each units). 

  • Any six articles ( within last 5 years of Publication)  related to EI at work will be selected by the faculty. 



Goleman, D. (2004). Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence. Bloomsbury Publishing India Private Limited. 

Singh, D. (2015). Emotional Intelligence at Work: A Professional Guide (Fourth edition). SAGE Response.

Harvard Business Review. (2017). HBR Guide to Emotional Intelligence. Harvard Business Press.

Review, H. B., Goleman, D., Grant, H., Su, A. J., Hougaard, R., & Thomas, M. N. (2018). Focus. Harvard Business Review Press.

Stein, S. J. (2018). The EQ Leader: Instilling Passion, Creating Shared Goals, and Building Meaningful Organizations Through Emotional Intelligence. Wiley.


Freedman, J., & Stillman, P. (2016). Emotional Intelligence: The Business Case. Retrieved from 

Hess, U., & Thibault, P. (2009). Darwin and Emotion Expression. American Psychologist, 64(2), 120-128. 

Suttie, J., (2019, September 16). How to Become a Scientist of Your Own Emotions. 

Khazan, O. (2016, September 20). The Best Headspace for Making Decisions.

Deterline, B. (2016, June 2). How Can We Find Moral Courage at Work.

Cullen, M. (2020, January 30). How to Regulate Your Emotions Without Suppressing Them

DeSteno, D. (2018, January 12). Three Emotions that Can Help You Succeed at Your Goals. 

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